Mookie came home today. She's currently snuggled with my husband, both are sleeping. He is her number one true love. I'm a distant second in her group of favorite people.
After a scare yesterday that Mookie had relapsed after surgery and was going to die (miscommunication by the "client information specialist"), the surgeon called me to tell me Mookie was doing amazingly well and could come home today. Of course, this was after three hours of me thinking she was going to die. I couldn't stop crying and decided to not tell my husband until I knew for sure. Thank goodness I waited. Why put him through even more torture.
I worked from home so I could be with Mookie all day. After a 2 1/2 hour round trip drive to North Seattle to retrieve her from the vet, she is as rambunctious and curious as ever, and very cuddly, even with me. If her entire underside wasn't shaved and she didn't have a four-inch incision on her tiny tummy, you'd never know she was was shot with a 22 on Sunday and had major surgery on Monday. She even managed to pull off her cone twice today.
My husband's father will probably only last a couple more days. We've heard this before, but this time he said it was different. His nephew, his sister, and his father's doctor called him. After a month in the hospice, it sounds like the end is very close for his father. Of course, my husband is devastated.
I don't know. What do you think, was this worth $5,000? I think so.

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